(3 Lormesta 5115: The Landing)
Find someone from Silvergate Inn to see if I can join done! – 2 Lormesta
Visit the Lord of Dream’s shrine once a day, if possible at Midnight
Write at least one song/tale every month 12+ done this year – already 22 Imaerasta
Learn the name of The Harp 12 Lumnea
Travel to Ta’Illistim for paper (maybe clothes, too!) 19 Olaesta – and kinda stayed…
Write home at least once a week (Aunties count, too, right?)
Be a better friend
Learn to Loresing more accurately 1 Phoenatos – although there is always more to learn, right?
Have at least 6 public performances (you know, if I survive another one…)
Do a substantial amount of work on a major collection project (Next time I need to be more specific)
Make more entries in my journal
Master 5 instrument types
I’m sure I’ve forgotten something… hmmm.