(9 Koaratos 5115: Ta’Illistim)
She was floating on a gently rocking sea. The sun was warm above her, the waters cool, but not cold. Gulls soared high above, calling out in sing-song tones. The breeze was a gentle caress upon her skin, and she could barely hear the soft sounds of gentle surf upon the sandy beach in the distance.
It was a glorious day! She hummed a melody that she somehow knew, but could not name, exploring the variations with each iteration. The song became a backdrop in her mind as the sun sank lower and lower towards the horizon.
She felt so safe. She reached out and caressed his hand, turning to smile when his hand responded with a light squeeze.
Suddenly she was pulled from her idyllic reverie, and awoke with a start. She was staring straight into a penguin’s peering eyes, mere inches from her face.
“Princess Pelthie?” she asked incredulously, “What are you doing here?”
The penguin squawked at her, and she automatically reached out to give the bird a fond scratch, in precisely the right place.
“Ohmygosh, is he all right?” she was fully awake now, and although the sun was up, it was barely above the horizon. “Is everything okay?”
“You were dreaming,” the penguin told her.
“Well, yes, it was a very nice dream, too. Why are you here? Is everything all right?” she was repeating herself, she knew.
The penguin squawked at her again, “Were you dreaming of me?”
“No, Pelthie, I was not. How did you get in my room, anyway?”
“You think he’s the only one who can make magic? I thought it, and here I am. I like your room.”
The bardess just shook her head. The melody was gone, she could only feel it’s sweet lingering. She was conversing with his familiar and still had no idea why.
“How long have you been here, anyway?” she asked the bird.
“A while. You were dreaming,” Pelthie answered her.
For a brief moment, she allowed herself to sink into the warm, safe memory of the dream, and she smiled.
“There’s that smile again. From your dream,” the penguin remarked. “What’s it mean?”
“It was a happy dream. I have no idea what it means, let alone how it ended. I woke up, remember?” the bardess did not want to blame the penguin for the interruption.
“Yup, yup!” Pelthie answered. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Breakfast,” the bardess repeated with a small sigh. She was clearly not going back to sleep. “Let me get dressed and we will go find some. Just us girls?”
“Yup, yup!” the penguin squawked at her again.
The bardess chuckled fondly at the bird. She wondered how many more mornings like this were in store for her, and she smiled at that thought, too.